Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Moving Has Begun!!!!

Well, I thought it was about time I posted an update of our activities. Rebecca has now officially sold her condo and we hired some movers to get her stuff out and into storage. It was a pretty good way to go since Rebecca hasn't been feeling well with the morning sickness and I got sick over the weekend with a bad sore throat and lost my voice. It took about five hours to complete the move and get her stuff into storage. I also realized that I didn't get a big enough storage unit and we've had to rent another one to put my stuff in this coming weekend.

Rebecca also had a couple of really bad days of morning sickness before the move. She wasn't keeping anything down even water. So, they got her some IV fluids and some strong nausea medication. The same nausea medication that they give to cancer patients who are in treatment. That really made a difference and Rebecca is starting to feel like her old self again and get her appetite back. But, now she, Emma and the two cats are at her parent's house. I'm moving out of my condo this weekend and will be joining everyone. Thankfully, Rebecca's parents have welcomed us with open arms.

Rebecca also did really well on the profit for her condo. Enough for a down payment of the house, new appliances and some new bedroom furniture. I'm hoping to get enough out of the sale of my condo to pay for some of our bigger wedding expenses. I'm scheduled to close on my place on the 25th. I went out last night and purchased a new washer/dryer for the house. Next weekend we are flying back to St. Louis for my Grandma Thompson's 95th Birthday Party. I know she won't be able to come out for the wedding in April and I wanted her to meet Rebecca.

Speaking of the wedding, we have still have some little things to wrap up and we'll be getting the invitations out in the next couple of weeks, but everything else is in place. Still need to book the honeymoon. Just waiting on the sale of the condo for that.

Need to finishing packing up my place and get ready to move on Saturday. Things are moving fast. HOLD ON TIGHT!!

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